12 .Mar.2020

Tune in! Seed Research of Oregon working with TPC Sawgrass for Superior Turf!

When The Players Championship at TPC Sawgrass was moved back to the month of March Director of Agronomy, Jeff Plotts, knew a return to overseeding the golf course would be required to guarantee the playing conditions were the best possible.

An analysis of the weather from the previous 10 years, including cloud cover and temperatures, showed the bermudagrass would not be actively growing most years. For many years both TPC Sawgrass and TPC Scottsdale have performed overseeding trials with Seed Research of Oregon. Based on this research a plan was formulated to allow the overseeding grasses the best opportunity to achieve optimal performance. Seed Research of Oregon has continued to conduct trials and record observations to optimize the overseeding; spectacular performance has been the result. 


The selection of the species and cultivars utilized is only one part of the process involved in obtaining seed for this prestigious event. Seed quality is equally important for superior performance. Additional tests are run on every seed lot used on TPC Sawgrass to check for weeds and other unwanted crops that may be a problem. This testing starts as the crop is cleaned and much of it is reserved from the previous crop. 


Seed Research of Oregon has made a commitment to providing superior turfgrass through long-term planningOur approach coupled with the hard working, dedicated members of the TPC Sawgrass Agronomy Team at TPC Sawgrass has seen The Players Championship become and remain “The Gold Standard” on the PGA Tour.