
Establishment: 7 to 14 days
Use on golf course greens, tees, and fairways.

To view or download our Creeping Bentgrass Report CLICK HERE.

Click Variety Name to Download the Tech Sheet:

OO7XL Creeping - The most genetically advanced creeping bentgrass available today. It is the only 5th generation variety in the market and has scored the No. 1 rating in the Rutgers turf evaluation trials for four years straight in both greens and fairways (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020). 007XL has superior turf qualities – fine leaves and uniformly dense – and exceptional Dollar Spot and Anthracnose resistance. It also excels because of its high wear tolerance, early spring green up, and cool weather performance.

OO7 Creeping - Versatile. Excellent Dollar Spot resistance. Heat and cold tolerance. Cool temperature growth. Poa annua resistant. Superior salt tolerance. Broad adaptation.

777 Triple Seven - NEW! Great performance for all greens mowing heights. Excellent Dollar Spot resistance. Heat and cold tolerance. Higher turf density for better putting quality and Poa annua resistance 

Flagstick Creeping - NEW! Superior Dollar Spot resistance. Versatile for greens, tees, and fairways. Excellent heat and cold tolerance. No scalping. Bright, dark green color.

Tyee Creeping - High density in all seasons for superior greens. Heat and stress tolerant. High disease resistance. Cool weather active growth. Bright, dark green color.

SR 1150 Creeping - Ideal for greens, tees, and fairways. Excellent turf quality. Excellent Dollar Spot and Brown Patch resistance. Fast establishment. Vigorous growth.

MacKenzie Creeping - Excellent wear tolerance. Uniform putting surface. Establishes into Poa annua. High density all seasons. High stress tolerance. Greens, tees, and fairways.

Puritan Colonial - NEW! Excellent Brown Patch resistance. High turf performance under reduced maintenance. Superior wear tolerance. Heat and drought tolerant. High seedling vigor.

Vitagreen Velvet (Tech Sheet Coming Soon) - NEW! Low nitrogen and irrigation required. Superior disease resistance. Shade tolerant. Ultra high density and fine texture. Extremely wear tolerant.

Dominant Plus Creeping (Blend) - A reliable blend of beauty, functionality and durability for greens, tees and fairways. Broad genetic diversity, superior adaptability and proven performance.

Dominant X-Treme 7 Creeping (Blend) - This blend of three superior cultivars, 007, and two other SRO improved cultivars which may include Flagstick, Mackenzie, 777 or SR 1150.

Dominator Creeping (Blend) - A greens quality blend of two top performing creeping bentgrass varieties, 007 and 777, selected for superior green and tee quality.

EmergenCC Creeping Bentgrass and Chewings Fescue (Mixture) - A mixture of Chewings fescue and best adapted creeping bentgrass designed to repair creeping bentgrass fairways, tees and greens.