9 .Apr.2020

777 - one of the SUPERBENTS™

Triple Seven - 777 is a new member of the SUPER BENTS™ developed with finer tillers and stolons that develop less organic matter and thatch than older cultivars with similar tiller density.

Super Abilities - Heat Tolerance

Seed Research of Oregon, since its founding, has developed creeping bentgrass cultivars for golf course usage. Many years of evaluation and testing are done before we recommend a creeping bentgrass for use on a golf course green or fairway, using trials on actual golf courses in many environments to do this.  Through this work the classification into Density Types was developed by Seed Research of Oregon and Dr. Leah Brilman, based on walking on trials and seeing scalping injury. During this time fairway usage of creeping bentgrass has increased and the maintenance has changed. Modern fairways are often at lower mowing heights than previously utilized and with reduced nitrogen, so some higher density varieties are suitable for fairway use.

Triple Seven - 777  is a new member of the  SUPER BENTS™ developed with finer tillers and stolons that develop less organic matter and thatch than older cultivars with similar tiller density. Many years of research has identified the growth form desirable for both fairways and greens that also has the tiller density required to keep out Poa annua and maintain density. Triple Seven - 777 meets the criteria for fairway usage based on research and data, even at a range of heights of cut.

“In my opinion, Triple Seven -  777 can be blended with any of the SUPER BENTS™ from SRO / DLF Pickseed for superior fairway performance”

- Dr. Rich Hurley
Breeder and golf consultant.  

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